This is very true since one of the best ways of protecting oneself from getting sick is by boosting one’s immune system. There are many things you can do naturally to strengthen your immune system and prepare your body for the job of defeating viruses, bacteria and any other pathogen. In other words, it means that even during the flu season, you can strengthen your immune system by following the right life-style and eating habits.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential in helping the body to recover and also strengthen the immune system. The recommended hours of quality sleep are the ones ranging between 7-9 hours per night. The current recommended hours of sleep that is recommended for adults is seven hours, while it is recommended that teenagers should sleep for 8-10 hours and children 9-11 hours of sleep. Making sure that one goes to bed early enough to allow the body’s biological clock to also increase melatonin and immune support. Get enough rest if you want your immune system to be on high alert.

Reduce Stress Levels

Stress, especially when prolonged, leads to high cortisol levels and this has a negative impact in the immune system. Relax and reduce stress in a healthy manner through practicing yoga, meditating, going outside, or talking to friends. Stepping away from anxiety can reduce its impact on one’s body and mind thus lowering inflammation and enhancing immunity. The first coping strategy is one of stress management through self-care.

Increase the Intake of Fruits and Vegetables

It is advisable to include fruits and vegetables in our diets for the provision of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals as well as fibre for support of the immune system. Obtain fruits and vegetables in various color such as oranges, berries, greens, tomatoes, bell peppers, and so on. It is recommended that one should consume not less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. Some examples of foods that are high in vitamin C include oranges, grape fruits, strawberries, kale and they help increase the production of white blood cells hence fighting infection.

Stay Hydrated

Blood, which is composed of water, is required in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to immune cells. Dehydration can reduce your basal metabolic rate, makes you tired and weak, and impairs the ability of your body to fight infections. Hydrate your body by taking fluids, and ensure you consume water in large proportion throughout the day. Among the group of fruits and vegetables, some are capable of replenishing the body fluids we lose every day. Use the color of your urine to determine how well hydrated you are.

It is important that you have your Vitamin D and Zinc supplements.

In addition to, Vitamin D and zinc are known to enhance and regulate the immune system. This is because many people don’t get enough sunshine during winter and, therefore, end up with a deficiency. Some of the rich sources of vitamin B12 are fatty fishes, eggs, mushrooms and dairy products and fortified breakfast cereals. It is advisable to take a supplement particularly in the period from fall through to winter to get your daily intake. Vitamin D is important in regulation of immune cell generation while zinc aids in the synthesis of the cells and pathogen eradication.

Have Moderate Exercise Routines

Moderate exercise is known to get antibodies and white blood cells circulating in the body, and also to reduce stress hormones. Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activities such as brisk walking, light cycling, swimming or jogging per week. Strength training also reduces inflammation since it is a form of exercise. So, simply do not engage in long intense workouts, as this can lead to the opposite effect – increased stress levels. Schedule work activity into your daily regime that will build up the body’s immunity.

Add Immune-Boosting Foods

Some foods have special substances that are known to boost the immune system, such as antioxidant vitamins, probiotics, protein, zinc and polyphenols. Consider increasing the intake of foods that are beneficial for the immune system such as oranges, papayas, broccoli sprouts, bone marrow broth, yogurt, almonds, turmeric, and green tea. The right and balanced diet supplies your body with the right nutrients to produce and send out batches of immune cells.
These include; Reduced Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
Smoke deposits toxins and free radicals in the body which in turn affects the immunocytes and the tissues of the lungs. Alcohol also affects immune cell functions, thus, regular heavy drinking reduces your first line of defense. If you do smoke or drink, try to limit this as much as possible or better yet, abstain completely to boost the body’s immune response to the virus. Thus, the body’s overall immune strength is directly proportional to certain healthy practices that one can manage.

Wash Your Hands Properly

When you wash your hands, germs are prevented from entering your respiratory system, mouth or any other part of the body. Wash hands vigorously in warm water and soap for 20 seconds, ensuring all parts of the hand including the wrists up to fingertips are washed. When soap is not available using hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is recommended. Do not touch any part of your face especially your nose, eyes, and mouth as this may spread germs. Wash your hands more than once or several times a day, primarily when using surfaces that are frequently touched by others or touching other people.
This really doesn’t need many costly measures or a multiplicity of supplements to support immune health. Small things such as getting enough sleep, consuming fruits and vegetables, taking supplements, moderate exercise, reduced alcohol consumption, and frequent hand washing are very effective. Avoid foods and habits that may compromise your immunity and thus the ability to fight the infections. To minimize stress, remain hydrated, and consume nutrients that strengthen the immune system such as zinc and vitamin C will assist in maintaining high immunity that will be capable of combating pathogens. When your immune system is strong, your body is capable of handling most of the daily struggles posed by germs and viruses.
Emphasis on these natural immune strengtheners shall ensure your body is strong enough to defend against cold, coughs, flu and all other related ailments. Maintaining well-being ensures that the intricate immune system network functions at optimum when threat occurs. Preventing oneself from becoming a victim does not target one virus although it strengthens the immune system to stand a fighting chance.

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